Newest Stories

Featuring inspirational and educational stories on health, wellness, and living foods.

MindTwo people standing by the ocean at sunset, making a heart with their arms.

How to Cultivate Pure Love

In celebration of SYNERGY Pure Love, we’re exploring the five love languages and how they can deepen our most valued relationships.  

MindPerson drinking GT's ALIVE Ancient Mushroom Elixir looking out window

An Herbalist’s Daily Routine for Stress Support

Calm the mind, body, and spirit with practical shifts in behavior for daily stress management.

Mind3 Rituals to Decompress and Manage Stress

3 Rituals to Decompress and Manage Stress

While stress may not always be avoidable, there are healthy ways to manage its impact on your overall health. The more healing techniques we have in our tool kit, the more resilient we become.  

Mind6 Simple, Transformative Habits for Personal Growth

6 Simple, Transformative Habits for Personal Growth

It takes, on average, 66 days for any new behavior to become automatic. So, if you've ever read that in just 21 repetitions, you, too, can form a new habit—keep reading, because that claim is usual...